My Weightloss

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Week 1

Here it is the end of week 1, I know your asking well did you lose any weight? and the answer to that is no. I found the batteries for the Nintendo Wii were dead then our battery recharger choose to die on us (at least the power cord part of it).

Then Thursday (4th November) I had to go see my Dr (on a side note did I tell you his a complete hottie, very nice eye candy) and he took my blood pressure finding that it was higher the normal so he ordered me to take two 5mg Norvasc tablets and my 1 avopro tablet still.

He also told me till Monday to take it easy as I might have some side effects going from 5mg Norvasc to 10mg Norvasc, now you know why there hasn't been any real exercise going on this week to lose weight.

Sunday morning (today) I did go for a walk with my husband down to our local Coles supermarket to get the Sunday Newspaper and a few other little things, then we walked home again. I think the local Coles Supermarket is about 100 to 200 meters away so 200 to 400 meters round trip which in my books counts for a little exercise.

This afternoon or early tonight if I'm feeling alright I'll will try to attempt some exercise on the Nintendo Wii Fitness Board otherwise I will start on Monday like my Dr wanted me to.

1 comment:

  1. Well, as you know, my weight loss/fitness journey was derailed when my kids, then I got sick. Then I had moving and other crap going on and to cut a long story short, my weight loss stopped.
    I've finished moving, I'm reasonably healthy and I hope I can get back on the Boombah treadmill this week.
    Good luck on your journey xo
